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But first FO pics! Specs: BSJ of Many Colours Pattern: Baby Suprise Jacket Designer: EZ Size: um, small… Yarn: Araucania Ranco Multy Colourway: 314 Yardage: little more than half of the ball Needles: 3.75mm circs Cast On: Nov. 19.08 Bound Off: Nov. 21.08 Notes: As has been said before, just follow the instructions (and don’t … More More Shopping


Well, not exactly. I did cast on the Cypress Shawl. And I did start my new sock yarn scrap blanket (more below), but it is the increasing queue of projects with yarn balled, needles allocated and patterns and matierals bundled that is beginning to get out of hand. First off, the blanket, which I’ll be … More Startitis

oohhh shiny!

Yesterday my Loopy Ewe order came! I had ordered Stricken and Ornette and 2 skeins of Malabrigo Lace in the Cypress colourway. And since it was my 6th order, I achieved Loopy Groupie status (I won’t spoil it for anyone else waiting to see what the surprises are). But I will say this, I am … More oohhh shiny!


Sock Blockers aren’t just photographic aids. Up until this weekend, that is all I had used mine for – giving socks shape in pictures, then I dediced that the Carolinas needed to be blocked and wow! I have been so wrong. I fully appreaciate the wonder that is blocking lace, but really couldn’t be bothered … More Apparently…

Socks: the Perfect Gift

umm… that can’t be right. Aren’t socks the disappointment of every child’s Christmas stocking, ranking right up there with underware and a new tooth-brush? Well, maybe … or maybe just white tube socks… But apparently that isn’t stopping me. I give you 1 (and a half) pairs of gifts socks and plans for others. Lindz’s … More Socks: the Perfect Gift

Obsess much?

Why yes, now if only I could obsess more about my thesis… The first of Lindz’ birthday socks is done. Somehow I always manage to mis-count somewhere in the duplicate stitching (you’d think I could manage up to 6…) and so things don’t exactly match the charts and since it would be way too cool … More Obsess much?

Socks, Socks, Socks

Everywhere socks! So I’ve just finished knitting the first of L’s Birthday socks (is it just me or are toe decreases one of the knitting black holes…). It looks rather good, actually (yeah). I’ll do the duplicate stitching later today (which is what they grey bits of yarn are helping to mark (they indicate the … More Socks, Socks, Socks