Pat’s Victory

Just in time for Christmas, Dad’s sweater is finito!

Specs: Dad’s Pat’s Sweater
Pattern: Hero Pullover
Designer: Ann Budd
Size: Large
Yarn: Galway and Galway Heather
Colours: Red (44), White (02), Grey (1080), Blue (638)
Yardage: 1.95 balls of Red, about half a ball of White, about 3 balls of Blue, and about 2 balls of Grey

Modeled by my little sister A. the sweater is more than a little too big for her. (This is the only pic because flickr is being stupid)
Needles: 3.75mm circ, 4mm circ, and 4.5mm crochet hook
Cast-On: June 29. 08
Bound-Off: Dec. 22. 08
Notes: I changed a couple of things, first I didn’t install a zipper. Instead of patterning the front and ribbing the back, I moved the ribbing to the underarms and patterned the centre of both front and back. I created the colour scheme to reflect the New England Patriots. I really liked the pattern, the sleeves were a pain since each required that I have 5 balls going at the same time. I matched the lines PERFECTLY!

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