Work In Progress

Pretty much everything I doing right now is a work in progress.

There’s the scarf (for which I am not only working the chart upside down, I -being new to the whole double knitting thing- apparently did not finish the edges right and the only thing holding the edges together is the fact of the yarn being very fuzzy and felty – oops).

I have one of the Stricken socks finished, the other is cast on, but I haven’t even knit the first row. The pattern is really cool (though I hates cabling on the back of the work) but I think I might have done the heel flap too short as the heel/instep is a little hard to get on (though fits fine once I get it over my heel) – here’s hoping mom’s feet don’t have the same problem. Although to be safe, I’ll probably knit the second one a little longer. The yarn is okay, but fuzzing up a little- though I really like the colour.

The cabling on the front is really cool.

The sleeves of dad’s sweater still need working, (they are bloody interminable!) Hopefully I’ll get those done this week.

This morning I assembled the last of the henna necessaries (bowls, saran wrap, lemon juice, cinnamon, wooden spoons…). I’ll be mixing it all up tonight and tomorrow morning L. and N. are coming over to play with mud.

There’s also some ground cloves…

In RL, the thesis continues (and my supervisor is satisfied with the progress), I’m to have a draft of bibliography, and chapters 1-4 for him for Feb. 2. I’m working on writing syllabi for potential courses: question for the universe – if you were going to take a course in medieval literature what is somethig you’d like to read and/or learn about and/or discuss?

3 thoughts on “Work In Progress

  1. Ahem. Well, since you asked… 😀

    I would like to see a combination class of literature and art. For example, reading Tristan and Isolde while also exploring their appearance in art and manuscripts, etc. This would work well for medieval literature, since there’s oftentimes art inside the text itself. I think that art and lit are incredibly interwoven, and that it’s a shame they’re so separated in modern university studies.

  2. If I were to take a course in medieval literature it’d be an introductory course, as I know nothing about anything medieval. Actually much history in general. Sigh. Sorry I can’t be of more help…

  3. Oh wow that is a nice scarf. Colourwork, double knitting, and Noro to boot? Gawjiss. Glad you get to wear it and not someone else.

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