Instant Gratification

Baby hats- ’nuff said.

Specs: Sophie’s Beret
Pattern: Child’s Play Beret
Designer: Laura Brown
Yarn: Knit Picks bare worsted(?)
Needles: 3.75mm circ (I think…)
Cast On: Dec. 5.08
Bound Off: Dec. 5.08

Dyed: Dec. 6.08
Colour: mix of Sapphire Blue, Jet Black, and Sky Blue over a previous Turquoise dye job.
Notes: I added the pom pom today. Somehow my numbers didn’t quite work out so it has a bit of a gather rather than laying flat, but it is a complete non-issue. Fabulously quick knit.

I’m in the middle of blocking the Meret. (More on that when it is dry)

Last night I finally cast on my much coveted scarf, and I managed to start the charts at the wrong end!! I must have dropped the page with the chart on it and when I picked it up… well… I didn’t pay close attention to what direction it was and welll.. I’m knitting the chart upside-down … still looks okay though. Double knitting hurts my brain so it is going to be a slow going project.

Much of my knitting time over the last little while has been concentrated on the CE blanket. I’ve now got a first row of 22 squares and 17 of the second row. I need four more to finally connect the whole thing, and then another two on the ends. I managed to get at least three out of one of the skeins of Austermann, which don’t even look similar, just the luck of the stripes (I caved and started using the left over Step). I should be able to connect it all up with yarn I’ve got already in my scraps.

Yesterday I did a major stash overhaul, as we are on a serious de-cluttering kick (more on that eventually). I think, once things settle down a bit, I’ll be starting up another blanket but on 4.5mm with worsted weight, I didn’t realize how much scrap worsted I have. (I’ve also got a box to donate/destash).

All of this leaves me with really only two Christmas projects left. A pair of Stricken socks and to finish Dad’s sweater. And it looks like I’ll have a couple of new reasons for knitting in the near future, as I just found out one of my best friends is pregnant and my own circumstances have potential to become altered with bias towards more wintery.

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